How to Lose Weight (Without Dieting) – 3 Rules of Weight Loss

Why Diets Don’t Work

If you’re following this guide, it’s likely that you:

  • Have you been on a diet before.
  • Are you currently on a diet now.

We can try popular diets such as those of the Paleo Diet to Keto, or Plant-based, Intermittent Fasting (I practice it) and even terrible diets such as that of Military Diet, juice cleanses or even the Cabbage Soup Diet. We’re searching for the key to unlock easy weight loss.

Certain diets are definitely more efficient and healthy than others, however the majority of them are based on two things to lose weight:

The truth is that nearly all diet is effective in the short-term.

Nearly all diet is unsuccessful in the long-term.

Then why doesn’t every diet have a positive effect for a short time?

Every diet you’ve tried has a smart way to limit calories, which results in weight loss. 1:

  • Paleo Diet: Remove everything other than vegetables meat, fruits and nuts.
  • Keto Diet: Remove an entire macronutrient from your diet (carbs).
  • The Plant-based Diet Foods that are only derived that come from plants.
  • Carnivore Diet: Eat only meat! Get rid of everything else.
  • Intermittent fasting Do not eat a complete meal or eat nothing for the entire day.

The majority of the reason that these diets can result in temporary weight loss is because they force us to take in less calories.

The problems start when we reach the truth.

Another way of saying: “Temporary changes create temporary results.”

If someone “goes Keto” for 60 days, they’ll likely lose weight, and could feel better.

This is awesome.


If they’re spending their 60 days imagining carbs, and counting the days until they are able to “go back to eating like normal,” they’ll gain all the weight back on as when they stop the diet.

This is the reason I dislike the word “diet” or “going on a diet” In order to produce lasting results, the program needs to be implemented permanently!

Weight loss is likely to occur quickly by following any diet plan, as long as you cut down on your calories intake.

Today we’re going focus on weight loss. This includes:

  • Permanent: No more yo-yo dieting. No more rollercoasters in the scale in the bathroom.
  • Awe-inspiring: We’re not miserable and unhappy when we make these changes.

If you are reading about the five rules for weight loss in the following article I would like you to be truthful about yourself. Changes are required that you will stick to for a minimum of a year.

If you think a change is too extreme or frightening begin with a small amount.

Here’s how we assist our clients who are coaching: we work together to choose ONE each week to make a change we can make: the consumption of less soda, trying one new veggie, etc.

Also, we should stop contemplating  How many pounds can I lose in a month? and instead, we think of What can I do today that isn’t scary, but will make me better off a year from now:

Lose Weight Without Dieting: Rule1

There’s a single big-ass rule that you must be following when it comes down to losing weight:

(Yes I am aware that this article is a set of 5 rules However, the rest of the 4 each build upon this one. )

Study following study following study reveals that our bodies abide by thermodynamic laws and in order to shed weight, we must be burning more calories than what we consume on a regular basis.

Everyday the body needs an amount of calories to fulfill the daily tasks it performs that include making your heart beat and the brain’s function, allowing your body moving, and all kinds of other things.

This is known as your daily energy consumption total You can determine the amount of your TDEE here.

  • If you consume more calories than you burn your body will tend to store these excess calories in the form of fat (weight increase).
  • If you consume higher calories that you eat your body draws on the fat stores to fuel (weight losing).

Therefore, to shed the excess weight, we must discover a way to tilt the balance of energy in favor instead of burn fat, sucka!

To simplify this complex subject We need to take fewer calories and/or be more active to allow our bodies to begin using the fat stores to generate energy.

It’s a shame, but that’s where the issues begin.

Humans are REALLY proficient at:

  • Underestimating the amount we eat.
  • We are WAY overestimating how much we use.

If we accidentally consume greater amounts of calories than are aware of and we then burn fewer calories in exercise than we believe, we think we “can’t lose weight” due to your metabolism, or even genetics.

Prioritize Protein and Vegetables: Rule 2

If we’re seeking weight loss that’s not a pain it’s best to create meals that are filling and feel great!

Part A) Prioritize Protein First Protein is a fuel source for our bodies to repair muscles. It’s also tasty, nutritious and filling.

How do you need to consume protein? In the Nutrition Guide to Protein Aim for 1g of protein per lb body weight (2g per kilogram) each day (with the maximum of 250g).

Protein is a source that can be found in many sources, such as:

  • Meat (steak, bison, pork).
  • Fowl (chicken, turkey, duck).
  • Eggs!
  • Shellfish and fish (salmon, shrimp, tuna).
  • Legumes (black beans, chickpeas, and chickpeas).

Know Your Carbs and Fat Portion Sizes: Rule 3

In the event that 3/4ths or more of our healthful plate is taken up by vegetables and proteins, then where do carbs and fats are included?

It is possible to lose weight by consuming carbohydrates and fats, so long as you consume them in the correct amounts.

Did you remember how I mentioned earlier “we UNDERestimate how many calories we eat every day?”

Carbs and fats are nearly always the culprit.

Let’s discuss.

PART C) HEALTHY CARBOHYDRATES FOR THE WIN. Everybody loves carbs. However, the majority of people eat too much of this macronutrient and don’t realize that they are doing it.

Here are a few examples of healthy carbs that are less likely be consumed in excess:

  • The fruit can be whether fresh or frozen.
  • Rice brown.
  • Legumes, lentils.
  • Quinoa.
  • Potatoes.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Yams.
  • Whole grain bread.
  • Whole-grain pasta.

The following is a listing of real foods that are not processed and minimally processed which also contain lots of fibre.

They are then placed into”the “healthy carbs” category: When consumed in the right quantities, these foods will aid in feeling fuller and boost your energy levels, and all the good stuff.

Be sure to be aware of the portions you’ll need!

EVERYBODY often overeats carbohydrate-rich foods even those that are healthy, and then is left wondering why they’re not dropping weight.

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