How to get unlimited free traffic on the website?

Want to increase your Google search rankings? If you’ve got a website, then it is not any more difficult to get the desired results. But how you can make your site traffic-wise and find out what strategies will result in a higher position for your online business and its products or services, in this case.


The secret behind high positions for web pages and social media sites is that they are always in demand, with little time to wait for them to show up in your search results. This applies to all kinds of websites, regardless of size or nature. For example, many bloggers publish their content regularly, so their articles, posts, videos, pages, etc. become popular among users from around the world. In addition, there are others who write books or articles, whose works gain worldwide recognition.

In order to earn high positions as well as to show up in the search results when people would search for your specific topic, you need to put effort into increasing the quality of content and the speed of delivery. The most critical factor in making the right choice lies in choosing keywords that match the keyword searches. So choose wisely your keywords, don’t overdo it, and don’t be careless about SEO. Here are some ways to improve your position in Google – Search Engine Optimization.

What Are Keywords?

“Keywords” or “key terms” are words used to describe information about a particular subject that would have to be found in an Internet search. Thus, if we want to know more about cars, and we type out the exact keywords like “car” and “saloon”, our search results will return thousands of results, including cars and saloons. Now we know that keywords are important for getting the right result on any search engine. However, we will discuss them below.

When we look at the main target of Internet searches, we see that these are almost equally all types of subjects:

  • People
  • Events/Events
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Movies

And many other categories of interests. Since these topics tend to appear frequently in search engine results, it means that there is plenty of data to analyze. At the same time, because there is only so much time to read these hundreds of words (especially on mobile devices) and interpret their meaning, they lose their value and become irrelevant. And that’s why it is crucial to do everything possible to ensure maximum visibility (or prominence) in every domain. Not only to optimize your text content but also to do everything possible to use keywords that users would likely enter when searching for “car” or “saloon”.

How Do I Choose My Target Words?

Choosing keywords that will attract users to your blog or webpage is the ultimate technique to show up in user searches. But how? It all depends on the type of web page or blog that you publish.

Some simple tips:

Write short, useful, and interesting things that would intrigue your readers with their questions. That’s a good indication that you put much effort into writing something new every day and take care of grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Try to avoid long sentences and too many words. Also try to avoid using passive voice (unless you are talking about events, which is considered very informal). Use personal pronouns and verb tense instead of singular or plural. Write your text as a conversation between two people, try to emphasize the dialogue between two parties by repeating the thoughts you mentioned. Don’t forget to include active verbs and change tenses so that phrases like “I am going to” and “I need” are active. When there are multiple speakers, consider switching to the first person plural. Write clearly and concisely and with small blocks of text. Keep your paragraphs and headlines short. Make sure that your titles reflect your text and don’t use unnecessary commas and adverbs. Include keywords within 1 or 2 lines or even just one.

Avoid acronyms.

Shorten the names of your domains (the ones with hyphens). Think of keywords like “how-to” or “how-to” instead of trying to describe complex matters. Be careful in connecting different fields: keep it short and concise. Don’t be afraid to add a few personal details (for instance, how old you are, what school you went to, what sports you play, and where you like to hang out). Give examples of your work: when people say “My dog had a nose” don’t be shy to mention pets when explaining how you did something. You don’t have much control when it comes to optimizing your website for Google but there are many ways you can still make yourself stand out among the crowd. Focus on the visitor’s journey (the whole story from arrival to departure), don’t focus on just showing a certain part of it (the headline). Take your visitors through all stages of interest: tell a compelling story and show the way to completion.

website traffic
website traffic

What is an Article About?

An article is basically a single piece of written text (or a series of such pieces) about some kind of event or object. Usually, a post or page contains several hundred words, sometimes upwards of 1000, depending on the length. Sometimes the length of text varies; for example, an average post or page may contain a few thousand words, while for larger pieces of writing these can reach around 300-500 words. The primary goal of an author, when publishing an article is to give more weight to the facts than subjective points. A proper title and introduction to the piece are must-have elements since they allow your audience to decide whether you are going to read the article in full or just skim it. As you can see, a great piece of writing is a combination of precision and charm. Therefore, the text should convey certain emotions. Try to leave a powerful impression on your readers by delivering clear messages, never forget to use simple language and avoid complex ones. Your reader might want to reread the piece in order to see if anything has changed or why it was written in that form. Try to write for everyone, your readers are not limited to those who follow your niche. Your goal is to help any interested individual find your product or service in an interesting place, so do not limit yourself. Remember to think creatively. The style of writing shouldn’t matter but rather how your message is conveyed. If you want to pass some kind of Turing test, stick to simple and straightforward language!

An article is basically a single piece of written text (or a series of such pieces) about some kind of event or object. Usually, a post or page contains several hundred words, sometimes upwards of 1000, depending on the length. Sometimes the length of text varies; for example, an average post or page may contain a few thousand words, while for larger pieces of writing these can reach around 300-500 words. The primary goal of an author, when publishing an article is to give more weight to the facts than subjective points. A proper title and introduction to the piece are must-have elements since they allow your audience to decide whether you are going to read the article in full or just skim it. As you can see, a great piece of writing is a combination of precision and charm. Therefore, the text should convey certain emotions. Try to leave a powerful impression on your readers by delivering clear messages, never forget to use simple language and avoid complex ones. Your reader might want to reread the piece in order to see if anything has changed or why it was written in that form. Try to write for everyone, your readers are not limited to those who follow your niche. Your goal is to help any interested individual find your product or service in an interesting place, so do not limit yourself. Remember to think creatively. The style of writing shouldn’t matter but rather how your message is conveyed. If you want to pass some kind of Turing test, stick to simple and straightforward language!

The best part about writing short articles is that they are relatively easy to produce and customize. You have enough space, energy, and space to make something meaningful and informative. They are not too big but they are often worth reading. especially in the digital marketing era of today. Start writing and publishing your stories in places like Facebook groups, YouTube pages, Reddit forums, Instagram, Twitter, etc. There are lots of places where you can gather a community of writers and authors. There are also blogs and websites dedicated to writing and publishing. Look for communities of similar-minded individuals, share your stories and ask for feedback. You can start blogging on platforms like Medium or WordPress and submit your blogs there. Bloggers, writers, copywriters, and publishers, who have access to resources and are willing to help each other – all that makes your blogging experience worthwhile. Writing skills are as important as technical knowledge, so learn as much as possible: read writing books, watch movies, listen to podcasts, do research, watch YouTube videos, and practice. Writing is something to enjoy, not something to waste a lot of time mastering. There is no point in learning to be better at whatever you are doing, only to end up being better than anyone else. Concentrate on the process rather than the end result.

How to Create Articles Like Everyone Else?

There are lots of tools and techniques you can apply if you want to make more traffic to your blog. I used several such instruments during my years at WordPress. One of the most reliable ones is called KWFinder. Basically, you provide a list of keywords, which will generate the desired results. Then all your posts and pages will link to those keywords. No wonder this tool helps me a lot to grow my presence on search engines and make it easier for potential customers to find my products on Amazon. I usually suggest that all bloggers create a separate account and subscribe to all available plans. So they will have access to a wide variety of features.

Another helpful tool I use is Moz Pro. Moz can help us to collect statistics about search volumes. We can see how many people go to certain phrases (for example, if we have 4 million users, we can see exactly how many times the word “car” appeared in searches), how many times they searched for this phrase (and what kind of queries they were looking for), that is pretty much the base of analysis in this field. Moz can help you identify and classify your content or your page as generic or specific to your business.

To create new content, we write short statements, as a rule about 5-9 lines long. These statements are then shared over the internet, distributed by social networks or RSS feeds, or just sent to RSS feeds or links from clients. All it takes is a bit of imagination or creativity. Even though we cannot see what they are written about, we are able to read and even feel why people would search for a particular product or service.


The idea of creating posts for Google and other search engines takes a great deal of time and effort. Fortunately, with the help of the special software of Google and a bunch of clever tricks, the task becomes a walk in the park and practically doesn’t require too much skill or experience. We must remember that it

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