Weight and muscle gain

The size of an individual’s body is dependent on genetics, which is why it can be difficult for an naturally thin person to gain weight. Human bodies can alter in a small amount by weight training and increasing intake of food. Regaining or losing weight can be as challenging in the same way as losing it. If done in a sensible healthy way the same fundamental principles are applicable to loss and gain.

It is essential to speak with your physician to make certain that the strategies you are using to gain weight are healthy and suitable for you.

Why there isn’t any weight gain

The most common reasons people may have difficulty gaining weight are:

  • Genetics
  • Not eating enough
  • who live a physically active lifestyle or work
  • overexercising

Note that there are some who are overweight due to an eating disorder, disability addiction to drugs, or severe medical issue The conditions mentioned are not covered on this sheet of information.

See your physician before trying to lose weight

Always consult with your doctor prior to you begin any weight loss program. Your doctor can:

  • Perform a thorough exam to determine if there is an underlying medical issue that could be responsible for your weight loss, for example hyperthyroidism.
  • We can suggest a suitable weight goal for your size and build
  • review your diet and exercise levels
  • provide advice on exercise, diet and lifestyle changes that aid in weight loss
  • You can also consult other specialists, for instance an dietitian, should you require.

Take more food to gain weight Quality first, quantity second.

Being overweight is usually a sign that your energy (kilojoule) consumption is lower than the energy utilized. That is, you must take in more calories increase your weight.

The key to a healthy weight loss is to ensure that you are making all your kilojoules as nutritious as is possible. Foods that are empty calories like chips and soft drinks isn’t a good method of building muscle and strengthen bones, or to heal tissue after surgery.

Suggestions are:

  • Utilize a kilojoule counter book to figure out the number of kilojoules you consume during a typical day. It may be lower than you believe.
  • Consume three nutritious meals each day. Offer yourself slightly bigger portions If you are able to.
  • If you are experiencing a slight appetite, eat five or six times per every day. Drink fluids both before as well after your meals. But not during them. This allows more room for food.
  • Weight gain success requires you consume more of carbohydrates. Do not eat low-carb diets.
  • Consuming a lot of protein will not cause your muscles to increase in size and put unneeded stress upon your body and specifically the kidneys. Avoid high-protein diets.
  • Healthy snacks could consist of fruit, yogurt, rice pudding, muffins custard with low fat, milkshake or a liquid meal replacement.
  • Avoid high-fat junk foods. Instead, opt for healthy high-fat food items like avocados or nut.
  • Make your food more appealing by adding the addition of some calories that are concentrated, such as grated cheese. Spread almond or peanut butter on muffins made of wholegrain.
  • Make hot oatmeal or another cereals with milk, but not water. Add honey, powdered milk dried fruit or nuts when cooked.
  • Dress Salads using healthy oils like olive oil whole olives and avocados sunflower seeds, and nuts.
  • Mix up soups and casseroles, mashed potatoes, and liquid milk using 1 to 2 tablespoons of powdered dry milk.

Training to strengthen muscles

Resistance training can help build muscle. Some examples of training with resistance are the use of weight machines, free weights machines, your body weight, or resistance bands. Some suggestions include:

  • Do your best to train just two or three times a week to allow your muscles time to recuperate. If you’re looking to exercise more often keep in mind that muscle growth is triggered during recovery.
  • Make sure you do compound exercises that target various muscle groups in one go such as the bench press and squat.
  • Keep your workouts quick and intense instead of lengthy and slow.
  • Do not waste your money or time on powders, pills or other items that promise to boost the size of your muscles. These claims aren’t confirmed by science.
  • Get advice from a professional. A Personal trainer, exercise physiologist, or physiotherapist can help ensure you’re performing each exercise properly. A good guideline will boost the results you get and lower your chance of getting injured.

Lifestyle changes to help with weight gain

Suggestions may include:

  • Make sure to eat even if you’re not hungry.
  • Set a timer that reminds yourself to eat at least every two hours.
  • Make your other eating times as delicious as you can. For example, you can fill your refrigerator and pantry with snacks food items you enjoy.
  • Take small amounts of protein food prior to and after every training session to encourage the growth of muscles.
  • Be aware that a rise in your consumption of food can cause gas and bloating.
  • Be prepared to build up some weight as well. It’s not possible to build the size of your muscles without increasing the body’s fat.

Keep track of your weight loss and track your weight gain

Monitoring your progress can help increase motivation. Tips include:

  • Maintain a journal to track your calorie intake and training program.
  • Keep it up. In order to gain weight, you must consume more food each day. It is helpful to make meals schedules.
  • Be sure that your goals are achievable. For instance, a gain of just a few pounds could require a whole year to achieve. Building up lean muscle mass is a process that takes time, so don’t get dissatisfied with modest gains.
  • Visit your doctor on a regular basis to monitor your improvement.

Where can you get help?

  • Your doctor
  • Dietitians Association of Australia Tel. 1800 812 942
  • ESSA Exercise & Sports Science Australia Tel. (07) 3862 4122
  • Physiotherapist
  • Qualified gym instructor
  • Personal trainers with certification

Things to be remembered

  • Weight loss through lean muscle mass is an arduous process that can take months and years, not days or weeks.
  • Consult your physician prior to beginning any program to gain weight.
  • To increase your weight, you need to take in more calories and increase the growth of your muscles.
  • Don’t spend your money or time on pills, powders and other items which claim to boost the amount of muscle mass.

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